The German language is overseen by a governing body, similar to the French language Académie (but not as strict). Konrad Duden was the first German grammarian to write down the rules of the language in the Duden Handbook in 1880 - still the dictionary of choice for many. Because of this very late standardization, there are lots and lots of regional differences in the German language.
Here are some notable ones I've picked up on:
Austrian German English
Aula Hörsaal auditorium
Bücherei Bibliothek library
Diele Vorzimmer hallway
Eierspeisen Rühreier scrambled
Erdapfel Kartoffel potato
Faschiertes Hackfleisch ground
Fisolen Gartenböhnen green beans
Frühjahr Frühling spring
Fußgeher Fußgänger pedestrian
Heuer dieses
Jahr this
Jänner Januar January
Karfiol Blumenkohl cauliflower
Kasten Schrank wardrobe
Kiste Kasten box
Kohlsprossen Rosenkohl Brussels
Kren Meerrettisch horseradish
Marillien Aprikosen apricots
Melanzani Aubergine eggplant
Paradeiser Tomate tomato
Palatschinken Pfannkuchen pancakes
Rauchfang Schornstein chimney
Schafblättern Windpocken chicken
Schale Schüssel bowl
Schlagobers Schlagsahne whipped
Semmel Brötchen bun/hard
Sessel Stuhl chair
Stiege Treppe stairs
Topfen Quark cream
Any important words I've left out? Please post in the comments!
Sack/Sackerl - Tüte - bag
ReplyDeleteKarotten - Möhren - carrots
Sandler - Penner - panhandler
Pensionist - Rentner - pensioner
Schwammerl - Pilze - mushrooms
Tischler - Schreiner - carpenter
& many more...
Marillien -> Marillen
Thanks for the additions/corrections, Igor!