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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Which Classical Composer is Most Attractive?

If you are able, please vote in the "most attractive Classical composer" survey on this blog. I am seriously interested in what you think! If you don't say anything, Franz Liszt will win - and do you really want him to gloat? Again?

Ludwig van Beethoven
Niccolo Piccinni

Franz Liszt

Franz Schubert
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Josef Haydn


  1. I would have voted for Vivaldi, but he's not on it. ;-)

  2. LOL! He's too late to be considered "classical" which is why I didn't include him ;)

  3. I think we know where my vote is going --- Schubert! Schuberty Doo! ;)


  4. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND the winner is: Franz Liszt with 4 votes, followed by a tie, Schubert and Beethoven, each with 2 votes. One vote for Haydn, one vote for Mozart, zero votes for Piccinni. Poor Piccinni!
